Tag: interactive fiction (222)
- (2025-03-19) The Invisiclues library
- (2025-02-22) My last day as IFTF Treasurer
- (2025-02-20) The Ink Console
- (2025-02-05) The Beyond is out for iOS
- (2025-01-14) The Visible Zorker
- (2024-12-27) Advent Window: a very small IF puzzle game
- (2024-12-06) Me in the media
- (2024-11-04) The Beyond and Leviathan – available now!
- (2024-10-28) The Beyond and Leviathan, coming very soon
- (2024-10-23) IFTF seeking new Treasurer and Tech Officer
- (2024-07-05) NarraScope in two quotes
- (2024-03-05) The end of my term on the IFTF board of directors
- (2024-02-21) Download the whole IF Archive
- (2024-01-24) The serif on the N
- (2024-01-15) Parser IF disambiguation hassles
- (2023-11-21) All that Infocom interpreter code
- (2023-07-08) Upcoming online discussion: Collecting narrative games
- (2023-07-07) Thinking about Seltani again
- (2023-04-01) Hadean Lands source code
- (2023-03-16) April 1 is IF Source Code Amnesty Day
- (2022-05-31) Cragne Manor source code (some of it)
- (2022-03-25) SFWA membership is easier to qualify for
- (2021-09-19) A plenitude of alchemical domains
- (2021-04-08) IF talks at Flights of Foundry
- (2021-02-14) Unwinnability and Wishbringer
- (2020-09-30) Tour Bibliotekh
- (2020-09-12) Recent additions to my Infocom collection
- (2020-08-22) Hadean Lands: minor update
- (2020-08-16) The parser and the Myst plot hole
- (2020-07-28) Trademarking Infocom, again, part two
- (2020-07-27) Trademarking Infocom, again, part one
- (2020-05-27) NarraScope starts tomorrow
- (2020-05-22) Compiling for the Z-machine version 3
- (2020-04-28) Historical rediscovery: Zarf's Old Time Religion search
- (2020-02-29) Advent Door: a very small IF puzzle
- (2020-02-06) Kentucky Route Zero: quick thoughts
- (2019-12-16) Invocations
- (2019-09-03) The Zarfian Cruelty Scale, revisited
- (2019-06-20) NarraScope 2019: complete
- (2019-06-09) A more complete collection of Infocom sources and game files
- (2019-05-23) Heaven's Vault: design ruminations
- (2019-04-17) What is ZIL anyway?
- (2019-04-16) All of Infocom's game source code
- (2019-01-07) NarraScope 2019: still seeking talk proposals
- (2018-12-28) "And tomorrow will be beyond imagining."
- (2018-12-08) Cragne Manor is available to play
- (2018-11-10) A Nebula Award category for game writing
- (2018-11-01) Restless released in EctoComp
- (2018-09-24) Myst, 25 years old
- (2018-09-08) Memory Blocks at Different Games 2018
- (2018-08-18) Incluing and the unreliable narrator: Unavowed's cold open
- (2018-06-26) IF in pop culture and back again (guest post at sub-Q)
- (2018-06-21) Meanwhile and Hadean Lands: the summer sale!
- (2018-06-19) Heliopause, Memory Blocks
- (2018-06-03) IF titles: the next generation of generation
- (2018-05-11) Even more Myst Kickstarter stuff
- (2018-05-08) Keeping an eye on the Myst Kickstarter
- (2018-04-09) Myst 25th-anniversary Kickstarter
- (2018-03-14) A few recent narrative and adventure games
- (2018-01-21) My favorite games of 2017
- (2018-01-17) Meanwhile is now available on Steam! Plus extra DLC comic!
- (2018-01-07) 2018 IGF nominees: fascinating experiments
- (2018-01-04) 2018 IGF nominees: real lives
- (2018-01-03) Tacoma: design ruminations
- (2017-12-05) Meanwhile launching on Steam on January 17th
- (2017-12-04) Zarf life updates
- (2017-10-09) Thaumistry: design ruminations
- (2017-08-30) Your load is too heavy: Zork deep reading
- (2017-08-27) System's Twilight emulator packages
- (2017-08-14) System's Twilight design notes from 1994
- (2017-08-01) Nouns: a new tiny Twine game
- (2017-07-10) On the centralization of IF services
- (2017-07-02) Hadean Lands and Leadlight Gamma bundle sale
- (2017-05-27) I'm shifting my bloggery to blog.zarfhome.com
- (2017-05-22) Hadean Lands release 2.1.0
- (2017-05-15) The history of Glk!
- (2017-05-09) Making navigation work
- (2017-02-25) IFTF's Adoptable Technology Archive
- (2017-02-12) Text in spaaaace: FTL, Out There, Voyageur
- (2017-02-06) My Secret Hideout: now available on Itch.IO
- (2017-01-11) More 2017 IGF nominees
- (2017-01-09) 2017 IGF nominees: my comments
- (2016-12-07) Quern: Undying Thoughts: design ruminations
- (2016-11-23) Hadean Lands on sale this week!
- (2016-11-06) Even more very quick takes on recent games
- (2016-10-16) Alchemy game notes, circa 2003
- (2016-10-03) More very quick takes on recent games
- (2016-09-08) My Obduction nonreview
- (2016-09-07) Dropbox dropping support for playable HTML
- (2016-08-13) Very quick takes on recent games
- (2016-07-27) Point-of-view in The Witness: design ruminations
- (2016-07-21) SFWA eligibility for game writers
- (2016-07-17) Soma: meanderings by a wuss
- (2016-07-06) Hadean Lands, two weeks in
- (2016-06-30) The Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation: a new nonprofit
- (2016-06-20) Hadean Lands is now up on Steam
- (2016-06-17) Bring Out Your Dead: Flashpaper
- (2016-06-01) Hadean Lands: update available on Humble and Itch
- (2016-04-21) The irritating case of Hadean Lands pricing on Steam
- (2016-04-17) IF awards and how we think about them
- (2016-04-12) More progress towards Hadean Lands on Steam
- (2016-03-24) Notes from GDC
- (2016-03-05) Firewatch: afterthoughts
- (2016-02-28) Meanwhile for Apple TV!
- (2016-02-28) Lectrote now autosaves; Hadean Lands is that much closer to Steam
- (2016-02-17) The Space Under the Window on sub-Q
- (2016-02-12) Meanwhile for Apple TV coming soon
- (2016-01-26) Introducing Lectrote, an interpreter
- (2016-01-24) Hadean Lands sale at IndieGameStand
- (2016-01-07) IGF nominees: my comments
- (2015-12-06) What Zarf is up to, winter edition
- (2015-11-23) 4000 pages of Infocom documents
- (2015-11-11) The Room 3: design ruminations
- (2015-10-27) Indiecade happened and it didn't kill me
- (2015-10-17) Videogame Hugo: 2015 potentials
- (2015-09-30) What Zarf is up to, autumn edition
- (2015-09-16) Seltani at IndieCade 2015
- (2015-09-10) Videogames in the Hugo Awards
- (2015-06-18) Customizing an interpreter for a Glulx game release
- (2015-05-27) Hadean Lands greenlit! It turns out
- (2015-05-25) Javascript wonkery
- (2015-05-06) Hadean Lands on the Humble Store
- (2015-04-26) XYZZY Awards
- (2015-04-05) Various world models in IF
- (2015-03-26) Designing alchemy in a puzzle game
- (2015-03-10) Why it takes longer than you think
- (2015-03-05) The Adventure Gamers Store is open
- (2015-03-02) Mazes from the depths of time
- (2015-02-28) Trinity: design ruminations
- (2015-02-23) Sweet formatting for Inform 7 source code
- (2015-01-30) Forward planning for IF tools
- (2015-01-24) Hadean news of the week
- (2015-01-13) IF at Arisia
- (2015-01-07) Trope Tank Writer in Residence, Spring 2015
- (2014-12-27) The Talos Principle: design ruminations
- (2014-12-15) Holiday iOS app sales
- (2014-12-07) Gone Home: design ruminations
- (2014-11-01) Kicking it forwards
- (2014-10-30) All codes have now been distributed
- (2014-10-29) Zarfplan: Less than 24 hours now
- (2014-10-18) Zarfplan: Awaiting approval
- (2014-10-01) Zarfplan: State of the cranking
- (2014-09-08) Zarfplan: We have beta stage
- (2014-08-26) Zarfplan: August: the endgame
- (2014-08-14) IF meetup at WordPlay, Toronto, Nov 8th
- (2014-07-31) Zarfplan: July: almost done
- (2014-07-18) Trying out itch.io
- (2014-07-01) Zarfplan: June is getting there
- (2014-06-24) Old Zarf code
- (2014-05-31) Zarfplan: May report, counting down
- (2014-05-15) Purposes of archiving
- (2014-05-07) Inform 7 update
- (2014-04-30) Zarfplan: April only it still feels like March out there
- (2014-03-31) Zarfplan: March update
- (2014-02-28) Zarfplan: February was kind of nuts
- (2014-01-31) Zarfplan: Welcome to the new age
- (2014-01-21) Arisia: IF and gaming panels
- (2014-01-07) Random historical "treasure"
- (2014-01-05) Jason McIntosh is the new IFComp organizer!
- (2013-12-12) Zarfplan: Mid-December
- (2013-12-01) Zarfplan: November
- (2013-11-19) Emergent gameplay vs whatever the other kind is
- (2013-11-09) The first Seltani Age jam!
- (2013-10-31) Zarfplan: October -- goodbye sunlight
- (2013-10-02) Zarfplan: The eidolons of September
- (2013-09-17) IF Gathering 2013, quick notes
- (2013-09-03) Zarfplan: August report
- (2013-08-20) Seltani: an introduction
- (2013-07-30) Zarfplan: summer, July, occasional rainbows
- (2013-07-01) Zarfplan: Seltani, or what I did in June
- (2013-06-02) Zarfplan: May (plus a little) progress
- (2013-05-02) Boston summer IF meetup!
- (2013-04-28) Zarfplan: April progress
- (2013-04-19) Time for the decennial definitional post
- (2013-03-31) Zarfplan: March is a five-letter word
- (2013-03-01) Zarfplan: February is short
- (2013-02-15) The longer than I expected Versu post
- (2013-02-14) Interactive and text-based game news, whoa, lots
- (2013-01-31) Zarfplan: January of a new year
- (2013-01-03) Zarfplan: December (looking back from 2013)
- (2012-12-01) Zarfplan: And that was November
- (2012-11-03) A question for Google people -- Usenet dump?
- (2012-10-31) Zarfplan: October, more or less
- (2012-10-24) Kairo, quick comments
- (2012-09-29) Zarfplan: September work
- (2012-09-24) BostonFIG followup
- (2012-09-14) Zarf at BostonFIG
- (2012-08-31) Zarfplan: On through August
- (2012-07-31) Zarfplan: On through July
- (2012-06-30) Zarfplan: Progress report about progress
- (2012-05-26) The Dreamhold for iOS
- (2012-03-26) Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album (now playing)
- (2012-03-01) It is the (mostly technical) progress report
- (2012-01-06) Key Features: a new (small) Zarf IF game
- (2011-12-05) One year of this project, and the ways of puzzle explorability
- (2011-11-21) A weekend chatting about electronic literature
- (2011-11-20) Cold Iron: my (very short) IF entry in the Comp
- (2011-06-25) A shorter later June update
- (2011-05-22) Local puzzle hunts, part 2: Daffle and Bash
- (2011-05-16) Local puzzle hunts, part 1: Puzzle whats?
- (2011-05-14) A short late May update
- (2011-02-03) So what does a month look like?
- (2011-01-04) It's 2011 now
- (2010-12-09) What IF is harder and easier than
- (2010-11-30) The final week
- (2010-11-21) The techy post, part 4 of 4
- (2010-11-19) The techy post, part 3 of 4
- (2010-11-18) The techy post, part 2 of 4
- (2010-11-15) Halfway, and extended teaser
- (2010-11-14) The techy post, part 1 of 3
- (2010-11-14) Hadean Lands posts and interviews
- (2010-11-01) Zarf Goes Independent: Hadean Lands
- (2010-10-16) [Boston] Experience the Lurking Horror with us
- (2010-10-16) Teaser
- (2010-09-24) Tufts Interactive Fiction Month
- (2010-09-20) Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform 7
- (2010-07-28) IF News & Dungeon Report
- (2010-07-05) IF and the Hitchhiker's Guide, but not the way you think
- (2009-10-05) IFComp begins
- (2008-11-23) Michael Mateas talk on Facade
- (2008-10-05) Steve Meretzky speaks in Boston tomorrow
- (2008-04-30) Planet IF blog aggregator