My last day as IFTF Treasurer

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Comments: 3   (latest 2 hours later)

Tagged: iftf, nonprofit, if, interactive fiction

In October I wrote:

This leaves me with two big IFTF roles: Treasurer and IF Archive lead. I'm happy with the IF Archive job; I figure I'll hold onto that for a while. But it's getting to be time to hand off the Treasurer job. I've been doing that since, well, since day one.

Today the Board formally voted in Colette Zinna as IFTF Treasurer and Doug Valenta as IFTF Tech Officer. Both of them have been around IFTF for a while (and in person at NarraScope). They're cool. I've been getting them up to speed since December. Now they are, as it were, speedy.

So that's me done! As Treasurer and de-facto tech guy, that is. As I said, I'm still IF Archive chair; I expect to do that for the foreseeable future. And I'm helping with NarraScope. No doubt other tasks. But I've attended my last board-and-officers meeting.

Of course I'm still a resource for the new officers. There will be many more questions like "How does this thing work that you set up five years ago?" But that's just... helping out. We all do that, as we can.

Keep doing that, as you can.

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