The Beyond and Leviathan, coming very soon

Monday, October 28, 2024

Comments: 1   (latest November 13)

Tagged: the beyond, leviathan, jason shiga, zarf, cyoa, comics, interactive comics, if, interactive fiction, itch, steam, unity, ios, iphone, ipad, app store, steam deck

I am delighted to announce that The Beyond will be launching on Steam and Itch on November 4th. (Supporting Mac/Win/Linux/SteamDeck.)

A cartoon drawing of a dark-skinned man holding a harpoon. Books flutter by in the background. The Beyond, Adventuregame Comics #2, by Jason Shiga

The Beyond is one of Jason Shiga's interactive comic books, #2 in the Adventuregame Comics series. It's an adventure beyond the boundaries of life, death, and the covers of a book. Romance! Pirates! Probably a giant squid lurking somewhere!

But that's not all! We will also be launching Leviathan for iPhone and iPad on the same day -- that's November 4th.

A cartoon drawing of a person with a pony-tail. Tentacles writhe in the background. Leviathan, Adventuregame Comics #1, by Jason Shiga

Leviathan is Adventuregame Comics #1 -- a story of truth, lies, and yes, a giant squid. It's been available on Steam and Itch for a while; now it's making its debut on the Apple App Store.

I don't have a direct link for you, because Apple doesn't believe in "coming soon" pages for its app store. Watch this post or the Zarfhome site for the store page as soon as Leviathan goes on sale.

(Before you write me: Apple does believe in "prepurchase this game" pages. But I'm not a fan of pre-orders so I didn't set that up. Pay your money on the 4th and start playing Leviathan right then and there!)

A cartoon drawing of boy pulling on a mechanical-looking helmet. Meanwhile by Jason Shiga

Of course, Meanwhile has been available on all these platforms for years. You could call it AdventureGame Comics #0 if you wanted. Little Jimmy discovers a laboratory full of fantastical inventions: a time machine, a doomday machine, and a SQUID. What will happen next?

A quick note: I realize that next week is a High-Stress Interval for Americans and, really, everybody else. I apologize for getting tangled up with that. I gotta launch sometime and that week is when the timing worked out. Maybe these games will serve as a Monday diversion? I don't know. I can't fix American politics (and I already voted by mail) but I can keep supporting narrative games. Do what you can. Vote if you're a voter.

Looking beyond this launch and, we devoutly hope, after some much-needed stress relief...

I will of course work to bring The Beyond to iPhone/iPad. I've got the artwork and the layout, so it's just a matter of importing them into my iOS framework. Hopefully that will be available early next year.

Then there's Samurai vs Ninja, Adventuregame Comics #3 -- already available in book form. We have not yet started on adapting this one, so I won't try to promise a release date. We'll make it happen, though.

Thanks for supporting Jason and me all these years!
