Random historical "treasure"
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Comments: 1 (latest 2 days later)
Tagged: transcripts, infocom, okidata, interactive fiction, if, old papers
Here's a thing I found in a box: the records of my solving Infocom games.

(click for bigger and larger)
Back when I was first playing these things, I would generate these transcripts. Not while I was solving them -- oh, what a waste of paper that would have been -- but when I finished. I'd start from the beginning and play through to the end, reeling out all my hard-won game expertise in one swoop.
Well, maybe not one swoop. You can see that one of the transcripts starts in the middle of Planetfall. Probably I came to the end of a ream of paper and had to feed in a new one.
This is fan-fold dot-matrix printout from an Apple 2. It was an Okidata printer. Microline model 92, I think?
I have no idea what to do with this stuff, other than put it back in a box. It doesn't encode anything interesting about my play experience, since I was aiming at a clean "speed run". I guess you could analyze my typos.
If I get sufficiently famous, I guess one day I can donate my papers to a literary foundation. Something to look forward to.
Here's a thought, self-publish it into a book. :)
I almost salivate at the picture. It's a little bit of history.