Zarf at BostonFIG
Friday, September 14, 2012
Comments: 2 (latest 4 days later)
Tagged: boston, zarf, interactive fiction, shade, zarfhome, if, conferences

I am happy to announce that I will be showing off Shade for iOS at the Boston Festival of Independent Games, at MIT next weekend. I will also have Meanwhile, Pocket Storm, Fealty, and the rest of my iOS portfolio ready to demo.
(BostonFIG: Saturday, September 22, 10 am to 10 pm, MIT buildings 34 and 26. Free and open to the public.)
More IF stuff at FIG: Jason Scott will be a keynote speaker, and he will be showing Get Lamp at some point. Plus there's this whole showcase of other indie games. It'll be cool.
What, you ask? Shade for iOS? It's still in development -- don't go running off to the App Store to find it. As with Dreamhold, I'm planning to leave the game file unchanged from its circa-2000 release, but I will add in-game feelies of some sort. Only not a map. A map of Shade wouldn't be very interesting.
Comments imported from Gameshelf
Andrew Plotkin
(September 18, 2012 at 12:39 PM):
Looks like I will be in MIT room 36-156.
Dan Silvers notes: "I can tell you right now Get Lamp starts at 1pm at Jason's talk is immediately afterward starting at 2:30."