The Invisiclues library
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Comments: 5 (plus live) (latest 10 hours later)
Tagged: infocom, invisiclues, if, interactive fiction
A few weeks ago someone quietly posted a link to, a new Infocom fan archive.
The site is dedicated to (1) archiving historical Infocom-related artifacts -- InvisiClues, of course, but also magazine articles, marketing material, packaging, artwork, literature, and the games themselves -- and (2) making the archives available in an enjoyable format.
The Net has a lot of Infocom fan archives (including my own, of course). And the Infocom Invisiclues themselves are well-preserved.
Where this new site excels, though, is its collection of articles about Infocom. These are gathered from contemporary game magazines (Softline, Computer Gaming World, ...), general computing magazines (Byte, Softalk, Compute!, ...), and mainstream sources (Time, NYT, ...). There were 250 articles when the Invisiclues site launched, and it's over 300 now.
This collection way, way outstrips our existing collection of Infocom articles at the IF Archive. I imagine that the material is mostly filtered from But it represents an intense curatorial effort, and I'm happy to see it show up. My congratulations and gratitude to the site maintainer.
(As to the "enjoyable" part, check out the working status line in the top right corner. Cute!)
Comments from Mastodon
@zarfeblong Thanks for the recognition, Zarf! Big fan of your games, too!
@zarfeblong What an incredible resource for #if fans! Thanks for signposting it!
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@zarfeblong they’ve also got a mastodon account @InvisiClues