Tag: ios (19)
- (2025-02-05) The Beyond is out for iOS
- (2024-11-04) The Beyond and Leviathan – available now!
- (2024-10-28) The Beyond and Leviathan, coming very soon
- (2024-01-28) Apple versus who?
- (2022-04-16) Is Apple Arcade even a thing any more?
- (2022-02-19) Shade and Heliopause fall off the iOS App Store
- (2020-01-01) IosGlk, IosGlulxe, and IosFizmo are out of support
- (2016-11-23) Hadean Lands on sale this week!
- (2016-04-21) The irritating case of Hadean Lands pricing on Steam
- (2015-10-30) Pocket Storm for the new Apple TV
- (2012-10-19) Pocket Storm on sale today
- (2012-09-04) Pocket Storm
- (2012-03-20) Apple's turn-based game API (and what it needs)
- (2012-01-26) Meanwhile update -- and a one-day sale
- (2011-11-07) Meanwhile for iOS is available
- (2011-10-08) The part where I tell you about Meanwhile
- (2011-09-06) My Secret Hideout: available now
- (2011-08-19) A preview of My Secret Hideout (plus catching up)
- (2011-07-21) That crazy software patent situation