Calligraphic poetry
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Comments: 1 (latest 3 hours later)
Tagged: amaranth borsuk, calligraphy, poetry

Today I went to a presentation by Amaranth Borsuk, a poet who plays with "textual materiality" -- meaning, if I can give a biased summary, the study of the user interface of text.
One of her projects is Between Page and Screen, a hand-bound book of poetry. The book is not for sale; only twelve copies have been printed. However, I was able to jot down several of the poems during the presentation -- in shorthand, as it were.
1111 0010
0001 0001
1001 0001
1110 0110
I went home and inscribed two of them by hand, drawing on all my (occasional) training in calligraphy:

Of the two I drew, only one worked. Apparently my artwork is imperfect, and all the meaning ran out at the seams of their boots.
Come to think of it, I might have inverted that second image. Zeroes, ones, ones, zeroes.